Casademont le vieux: "La Costa Brava en calma grisa" (1988)

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Autor: Casademont le vieux (Barcelona 1923 - Girona, 2007). Título: La Costa Brava en calma grisa (1988). Descripción: óleo sobre lienzo firmado en el ángulo inferior izquierdo. Firmado, titulado y fechado 1988 al dorso. Medidas sin marco 52x63 cm. Medidas con marco 64x75 cm. Obra en buenas condiciones.

Auction closes:

  2022-3-16 19:10:00


The auction is closed

Lots from the same artist

  • Casademont le vieux: "Valdearcos, Valladolid" (1976)

    Author: Casademont le vieux (Barcelona 1923 - Girona, 2007). Title: Valdearcos, Valladolid. Description: oil on canvas made in 19676 by the Barcelona artist Casademont le vieux. Measurements without frame 54x65 cm. Certificate of authenticity is attached. Artwork in good condition. Casademont Le vieux (Barcelona 1923-Girona, 2007) is one of the artists who are part of the history of 20th century art in Sant Cugat and one of the outstanding Catalan artists of the 20th century. Casademont has a very personal Artwork with an austere palette and very rich in nuances, reflecting the landscape in its broadest sense. His vital character took him to many parts of the world, living seasons in places that have been beautifully expressed in his Artwork as a whole. Awarded with various awards such as Creu de Sant Jordi, awarded in 1994, Gold Medal-Sala del Hotel de Ville de Vichy, the medal of Honorary President at the Academie du Vernet, that of adopted son of the State of Styria in Graz (Austria) . He was also a corresponding Academician of the Royal Catalan Academy of Fine Arts of Sant Jordi in Barcelona. He won the engraving prize at the October Salon in the city of Palma de Mallorca. First engraving medal at the V Mostra Internazionale in Lugano (Switzerland). First prize for engraving in the XIV Girona Art Competition, nationwide. It appears in the catalogs of the years 1962, 1967 and 1968 of the Salón de Mayo. Throughout his career, prominent art critics have written about him and his Artwork. There are numerous exhibitions held, both here and abroad, and his Artwork can be seen in various national and international museums.

    950 EUR
    End Date: 11/4/24 9:30 PM
  • Casademont le vieux: "La Llacuna d'Ullestret" (1997)

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    900 EUR
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Lots next to close

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    50 EUR
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    300 EUR
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    180 EUR
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    120 EUR
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    150 EUR
    End Date: 10/23/24 6:20 PM