Salvador Sabaté: "Paisaje de invierno" (1982)

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Autor: Salvador Sabaté (1921 Maials (LLeida), 1984 Fraga (Huesca)). Título: Paisaje de invierno. Descripción: óleo sobre lienzo firmado y fechado 1982 en el ángulo superior derecho. Se adjunta certificado. Medidas sin marco 35x27 cm. Obra en buenas condiciones. Sabaté, nacido en la localidad leridana de Maials en 1921, se instaló en Fraga (Huesca) a los 17 años y vivió allí hasta su muerte, acaecida en 1984. Descendiente de una familia de artesanos, pues su padre era forjador y su abuelo trabajaba la piedra, se sintió desde muy joven atraído por la pintura, que durante muchos años compaginó con su dedicación profesional a la forja del hierro. Aunque disfrutó de una mínima formación artística en Barcelona y Madrid durante su juventud, siempre se consideró un pintor autodidacta, pudiéndose apreciar en las obras expuestas los frutos de un continuo aprendizaje a lo largo de su vida. Sabaté fue un artista polifacético, que, además de la pintura, practicó con asiduidad la escultura a lo largo de toda su trayectoria. Aunque más escasas en número que las pinturas, en la casa museo se expone una representativa muestra de la obra escultórica de Salvador Sabaté. Podemos encontrar cerámicas, esculturas en bronce y tallas en madera, como una muestra de la variedad de técnicas que el artista dominó. En su obra escultórica está también presente la misma diversidad estilística que en su producción pictórica, pues encontramos desde personajes de marcado cuño realista hasta figuras que adquieren formas más abstractas, donde la geometría y el uso del vacío juegan un gran papel. También en estas obras se hace patente la vinculación del artista con su ciudad de adopción, Fraga, pues en la exposición predominan las representaciones de mujeres fragatinas ataviadas con la indumentaria tradicional, las conocidas “dones des faldetes”. Practicó diversos estilos durante su carrera, pues a su decidida vocación realista se van superponiendo rasgos geométricos y simbólicos característi

Auction closes:

  2017-10-6 19:55:00


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  • Miguel Robledo Cimbrón: "No pressure" (2023):

    Author: Miguel Robledo Cimbrón (Mora de Rubielos, Teruel 1956). Title: "No pressure" (2023): Description: Mixed media on canvas signed on the lower right. Artwork measurements 40 x 40 cm. Attached certificate of authenticity issued by the artist. With his Artwork on paper, canvas or board he creates and composes his Artworks, an international painter with a booming career!!!!!!!!!!! . His Artworks have been exhibited in rooms, galleries, palaces, castles, museums, etc. In countries such as Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, China, Japan, USA, Brazil, Argentina etc. Me Miguel Robledo Cimbrón with signature R.Cimbron…..(THE WALKS OF A CREATOR). The paths and experiences that took me through this world of abstract art begin in an unforeseen way that one day I will tell about after years in the landscape and figurative, that moment begins was a ray of light of passion and illusion with thoughts and dalliances to express what Chance at times flows through your mind with the sense of indifference. The motivations, sacrifices and perseverance will be necessary to achieve your own identity and allow you to visualize your unknown and deep interior to transmit on the canvas, board or paper the gestural and informal magic of a modus operandi that characterizes me. The creation of my Artworks allows me to communicate a style of influential sensations capable of moving or impressing the being who views it. The content of this expression is the humble reflection of an abstract mind.

    450 EUR
    End Date: 5/2/24 6:00 PM
  • Miguel Robledo Cimbrón (Mora de Rubielos, Teruel 1956). Title: "Commotion" (2023):

    Author:Miguel Robledo Cimbrón (Mora de Rubielos, Teruel 1956). Title: "Commotion" (2023): Description: Mixed media on canvas signed on the lower right. Artwork measurements 40 x 40 cm. Attached certificate of authenticity issued by the artist. With his Artwork on paper, canvas or board he creates and composes his Artworks, an international painter with a booming career!!!!!!!!!!! . His Artworks have been exhibited in rooms, galleries, palaces, castles, museums, etc. In countries such as Spain, France, Italy, Portugal, Netherlands, Romania, Bulgaria, Russia, China, Japan, USA, Brazil, Argentina etc. Me Miguel Robledo Cimbrón with signature R.Cimbron…..(THE WALKS OF A CREATOR). The paths and experiences that took me through this world of abstract art begin in an unforeseen way that one day I will tell about after years in the landscape and figurative, that moment begins was a ray of light of passion and illusion with thoughts and dalliances to express what Chance at times flows through your mind with the sense of indifference. The motivations, sacrifices and perseverance will be necessary to achieve your own identity and allow you to visualize your unknown and deep interior to transmit on the canvas, board or paper the gestural and informal magic of a modus operandi that characterizes me. The creation of my Artworks allows me to communicate a style of influential sensations capable of moving or impressing the being who views it. The content of this expression is the humble reflection of an abstract mind.

    450 EUR
    End Date: 5/2/24 6:05 PM
  • SALVADOR DALÍ (1904-1989) Hamadryades mimétiques arborescentes, 1971.

    Author: Salvador Dalí (Figueres, 1904-1989). Title: Hamadryades mimétiques arborescentes. Description: etching on Japanese paper signed in pencil and numbered 93/100. Published by Editions d'Art de Francony. Reference Albert Field Catalog 71-11 page 68. Measurements without frame 50x65 cm. Plate measurements 31.5x49 cm. Artwork in good condition. With certificate of authenticity

    1800 EUR
    End Date: 5/2/24 6:10 PM
  • Jose Manuel Reyes: "Lemons"

    José Manuel Reyes (Jerez de la Frontera, 1963). Lemons. Oil on board signed in the lower right corner. Measurements without frame 52x63 cm. Measurements with frame 59x70 cm. Artwork in good condition.

    750 EUR
    End Date: 5/2/24 6:15 PM
  • Toulouse Lautrec: "Artilleur et femme I"

    Author: Toulouse Lautrec (French, 1864-1901). Title: Artilleur et femme I. Description: facsimile reproduction on paper imitating the original. Artist's stamp on plate. It belongs to copy 197 of a limited edition of 275 copies of the Suite of 6 studies published by the Society of Friends of the Albi Museum in Paris in 1972. Measurements without frame 55x38 cm. Artwork in good condition. A copy of the explanatory documents is attached.

    250 EUR
    End Date: 5/2/24 6:20 PM