Ramón Pujol Grabulosa: "Camí del Roure"

Attention! Start session for bidding for this lot.

Autor: Ramón Pujol Grabulosa (Olot, Girona, 1947). Título: Camí del Roure. Descripción: óleo sobre tela firmado en el ángulo inferior izquierdo. Medidas sin marco 60x73 cm. Obra en buenas condiciones con signos de la edad.

Auction closes:

  2024-6-19 21:45:00


The auction is closed

Lots from the same artist

  • Ramón Pujol Grabulosa: "Landscape with a stream"

    Author: Ramón Pujol Grabulosa (Olot, Girona, 1947). Title: Landscape with stream. Description: oil on canvas signed in the lower left corner. Measurements without frame 38x46 cm. Artwork in good condition with signs of age.

    210 EUR
    End Date: 7/15/24 8:20 PM

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