Valérie Jayat's fantastic and dreamlike pictorial scenarios are, without a doubt, true expressions of our contemporary sociality. Let there be no doubt!
They trace and reproduce an eminently poetic discourse, sometimes ironic but never cynical, whose thought is simple, free and evocative.
Her dreamlike horizons or perspectives are born from soft colours, often sculpted; then, this initiated territory is populated by human "figures", astonishing creatures, original animals, beings with "other" faces; finally, the details or objects of Lives suggested rather than spoken are "placed".
Valérie Jayat's Artworks have a unique expression whose appearance may seem ordinary but whose meaning is definitely that of our lives...
Valérie Jayat lives and Artworks in France.
Coccinelle - 40x42x1,5 cm - 2020 - Mixed media (oil, inks, acrylic...) on wood.